Blog - The Vomela Companies

7 Modern Printing Lessons from Benjamin Franklin

Written by The Vomela Companies | Feb 2, 2022 1:54:00 PM

Did you know that American founding father Benjamin Franklin was a printer by trade? As a child, he dreamed of opening his own printing and publishing shop. He worked in print shops in London and learned the latest printing technology of the time. Back home in Philadelphia, he worked for another printer and when he was 22, opened his own shop. He eventually purchased the Pennsylvania Gazette and developed the first business franchise system in America.


So why the history lesson? Through his publication Poor Richard's Almanack, Franklin coined many famous phrases that we still use today. Many of those can be guides for today's printing industry and the challenges of our time. Read below for 7 lessons inspired by Franklin's quotes.


 1. No gains without pains

No better words could describe the current supply chain challenges print shops (and all industries) are facing right now. Customers must partner with their printers to plan for disruptions and make efficient changes.


 2. Look before, or youll find yourself behind

Planning is the key to a great print job! Looking at your entire job from the beginning, before it's even designed, is the best way to find cost savings and maximize the capabilities of your printer.


 3. He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals

We want you to be in love with your completed print jobs! Your satisfaction means everything to us. If you don't have the resources to develop a project that you truly love, get in touch with your account manager or contact us here. We have design services to help you create your masterpiece.


4. Well done is better than well said

We can talk all we want, but the follow-through is the most important part of the process. Make sure you are relaying all important details to your account manager. Did you remember to include shipping instructions? How about any specific grouping or boxing information?


 5. Haste makes waste

We all encounter a rush job now and then—it's totally normal! But mistakes often occur when we are under pressure. Try to plan for as much time as possible in the process and make your needs clear.


 6. Lost time is never found again

Another reminder to be meticulous in your planning and communication, especially when time is of the essence. Reprints, repackaging, and any other after-the-fact fixes are costly and time consuming, affecting your final delivery and bottom line.


 7. A true friend is the best possession.

This one might be our favorite! We appreciate our partnerships with our customers. Know that you can rely on the Vomela Companies for all your printing needs (and get friendly service along with your final product)!