Hanging elements are a unique way to get noticed and help define a space. They draw attention to a retail sale or seasonal display, make a statement at a major event, or navigate your shoppers to efficiently find what they are looking for.
Some uses for hanging displays in store décor and at events include banners, halos, signage, posters, wayfinding, and customized elements.
You should rely on your printer to provide creative solutions for any project that includes large format hanging elements—from expert advice on what materials to use for your specific application, to making sure signs hang safely from ceilings in-store, to the right kind of shipping and packaging options you need.

We have a few pro tips for how to create a stunning and effective hanging display:
1. For window displays, know your window size.
Know your window size and decide what kind of impact you want the signs to have. Ask yourself a couple of questions: Do we want customers to be able to see into the store? Or, do we want the message to be the most visible element?
Also, if mannequins are present a mock up is recommended to make sure the mannequin does not cover the sign. If signs include a message or verbiage that needs to be read, make sure the window display elements won't affect readability.
2. Know your ceiling height.
If you're hanging signs within the store, make sure signs or banners don't interfere with customers. Know your ceiling height and adjust accordingly.
3. Make sure your hardware can handle the weight.
Are you hanging the signs from the ceiling, or do you have a sign track? Whatever system you use make sure it's sturdy enough to handle the weight of the signs and easy enough for store employees to access and change.
4. Know how long you want the signs to stay up and if you are going to reuse the signs again.
This will impact the type of material you use. If your sign is only going to be up for a weekend, a less expensive, nondurable substrate is sufficient. If the signs are going to be up for a considerable amount of time or are going to be stored, a more durable substrate is recommended.
5. Colors should contrast and be optimized for readability.
If you include copy on the signs, make sure there is enough of a color contrast between the words and the background color. You want the customer to be able to see and read the signs as they pass nearby, and potentially from longer distances.
6. Don't forget shipping and storage.
Proper packaging and shipping is important so that hanging elements won't be damaged before installation. Also, if you're storing signs make sure you have a good storage system so hanging elements aren't lost or damaged while not in use.
Check out a gallery of hanging elements we've produced for a wide-variety of uses—from floor to ceiling event banners to grocery aisle signs.