The ISO 9001: 2008 quality management standard was developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard emphasizes various quality management principles that include; a strong customer focus, the process approach, and continual improvement.
“We are excited to announce the ISO 9001:2008 certification, because it means our customers can be sure that we are capable of consistently delivering a quality experience that meets their needs and their expectations.”
-Mark Auth, President of The Vomela Companies
Vomela worked with an accredited third party organization that thoroughly audited and reviewed internal quality management system processes. The Saint Paul based facilities have demonstrated conformity to the ISO standard and proved ongoing commitment to customer service. Jim Hall, Vomela’s Quality Manager, who led the company through this process, stated, “Internally we now have an established base line that meets a high standard in our approach to concept, process, and manufacturing—this is a key milestone in our Quality Management System development and we will work diligently to continue to improve…it only gets better from here.”
ISO 9001:2008 QMS Certificate