In an Arts & Entertainment space, or any other space for that matter, every surface is an opportunity to tell a story. Even a blank surface is telling a story about your brand or event (albeit a pretty boring one). By using a variety of print substrates and techniques, you can use windows, walls, doors, and floors to transform a space into something incredible.
But remember: It isn’t just about telling a story. It’s about telling the right story.
Here are some tips for doing just that:
Match Form with Function
What’s the purpose of the print? For temporary signs or fixtures, you can use cost-effective materials and graphics systems that can be swapped out on a regular basis. For permanent signage, it pays to invest in quality materials to minimize the effects of factors including:
- Exposure to sunlight
- Extreme temperatures
- Adhesion to non-traditional surfaces
- Ease of installation
Do Your Homework
A good print campaign can make an event, and a bad campaign can break it to an even greater degree. Make sure you’ve identified some brand standards to stick to, and work with a design team who knows how to handle print. A quality print provider should be able to provide both digital design and pre-press design services to ensure your prints come out telling the story you intended.
Take Risks and Get Creative
The print industry has experienced centuries of innovation, and there’s no sign of that slowing down any time soon. New applications for new substrates are popping up all the time, and it’s a great way to capture attention while telling your story. To learn how you can make the most of the latest and greatest developments in a constantly changing industry, consider establishing a relationship with a print provider to serve as your partner for many projects to come.
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